@chipwoods@ag_texas Stepping out of line is HIGHLY recommended! -
@Campbell_NancyL@ag_texas agreed!:o) -
@chipwoods Are you kidding me... ARE YOU KIDDING ME! -
@kdd0569 no not at all........ -
Holy Crap. Looks like Weimar Germany
@chipwoods@MaxCUA CT men waiting in line to register guns with the govtpic.twitter.com/L74YQxkICy
@chipwoods@KimBrame Bet they have a nice Vid cam at the entrance, now they can put a face to every gun with an address. Something wrong. -
In my state, that would be the line to get in the gun show, not to register guns with the govt!
@chipwoods -
@chipwoods@batesfamily2 Yea, I got two words for that, but twitter would remove my post and censor me. -
@chipwoods@DrMartyFox Like sheep!! -
@Campbell_NancyL@chipwoods@ag_texas Re: gun line....you betcha! Step out and tell them where to go... -
@chipwoods so it begins -
@chipwoods Wouldnt it b a heckuva lot more sensible 2 pack ur belongings + move? This gus thinks so. Do it in less time 2.@DrMartyFox -
@chipwoods@DrMartyFox May as well be in line to get loaded in boxcars. You shouldn't have to register your rights. -
@chipwoods@DrMartyFox you mean a line of people having there rights taken away ? -
@chipwoods@DrMartyFox absolutely ludicrous # govt overstepping their boundaries again! -
@chipwoods@TrueBlue444 Next we'll see these men standing in line at courthouse fighting after their guns are confiscated. -
@chipwoods@ScrewedbyState Get out of that line! Never register! registration leads to confiscation
Thursday, March 27, 2014