Thursday, March 27, 2014

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  1. Holy Crap. Looks like Weimar Germany CT men waiting in line to register guns with the govt
  2. Bet they have a nice Vid cam at the entrance, now they can put a face to every gun with an address. Something wrong.
  3. . Almost complete emasculation. They know what comes next, right?
  4. In my state, that would be the line to get in the gun show, not to register guns with the govt!
  5. Yea, I got two words for that, but twitter would remove my post and censor me.
  6. Wouldnt it b a heckuva lot more sensible 2 pack ur belongings + move? This gus thinks so. Do it in less time 2.
  7. May as well be in line to get loaded in boxcars. You shouldn't have to register your rights.
  8. absolutely ludicrous # govt overstepping their boundaries again!
  9. Next we'll see these men standing in line at courthouse fighting after their guns are confiscated.
  10. Get out of that line! Never register! registration leads to confiscation