Not so secret secrets

So, as Obama was detained by Putin for THREE hours, it was because they suspected him to be a British Spy.
He had a British Passport.  ( maybe because he was a British National like his Kenyan Father)...

Robin Copland was tight with and hooked in with all that went down in Russia, especially if it involved our Senators.   So, the British Passport revealed his ineligibility, and she knew about it, but it wasn't an issue until Barackofhimself sought the Presidential Seat.  When the energy scandals errupted, no douubt Robin was to be an expert witness or give testimony per her expert knowlege to help the investigation.   if if was seen that she was inevitably called on to help with yhr investigation, and Obama saw her as an eye witness and highly knowledgeable threat, as she also knew about the British Passport.   To be sure she wouldn't spill the entire ruse this man's "careerr" has carried itself on, but she knew, that's as certain as they come.   So around the Solyndra fiascos, etc... She suddenly died..

RIP Robin.  I won't let your memory die