Projections of what will happen before November 6, 2012:
• Major, widespread terrorist attack campaign throughout the United States
• Martial law
• Use of concentration camps – FEMA camps
• Major tactical nuclear war in the Middle East
• Assassinations of top political leaders and military generals
• Civil war
• Major election fraud will occur – big surprise there <G>
• European Union will experience an economic crash
• Major war with Mexico
• Fox News will go off the air
• Beginning of World War IV
• Stock Market crash – again
• Major recession that will dovetail into a depression – [just an extension of what we already have.]
• Martial law
• Use of concentration camps – FEMA camps
• Major tactical nuclear war in the Middle East
• Assassinations of top political leaders and military generals
• Civil war
• Major election fraud will occur – big surprise there <G>
• European Union will experience an economic crash
• Major war with Mexico
• Fox News will go off the air
• Beginning of World War IV
• Stock Market crash – again
• Major recession that will dovetail into a depression – [just an extension of what we already have.]
Poll: Yushchenko, Tymoshenko Groups Could Form Government After Vote
KIEV, Ukraine -- President Viktor Yushchenko's Our Ukraine party would score the most at election and jointly with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's group would be able to form the government, an opinion poll showed Tuesday.

President Viktor Yushchenko (L) and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko
Our Ukraine would score 20% of the vote, while Tymoshenko's Batkivshchyna would collect 10.5%, according to the poll, released by the Razumkov Center, an independent think tank.
Since many parties would fail to overcome the 3% barrier, their scorings will be spread among those groups that eventually get seated in Parliament.
This means Yushchenko's and Tymoshenko's parties, although collecting an overall of 30.5% of the votes, would jointly get 52.1% of seats in Ukraine’s 450-seat Parliament.
"Today's scoring still guarantees the pro-government groups to create the majority in the new Parliament," Yuriy Yakimenko, an analyst with Razumkov Center, said. "However, their strength is decreasing and that opens ways for new political combinations."
Our Ukraine enjoyed 31.6% popularity in May, while Tymoshenko's party had 15.5%, which shows that popular support for the two parties has been dwindling, apparently due to skyrocketing prices of gasoline and sugar, and some other factors, analysts said.
The next general election is due in March 2006 and the winner would be able to claim the post of the prime minister according to changes to the constitution that come into force no Jan. 1, 2006.
The Party of Regions, an opposition group led by former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, is the second most popular party and would score 14.2% of the vote, according to the poll. The party had 16.4% support in May.
Other parties that may successfully clear the 3% barrier include the Communist Party (5.5%), the Socialist Party (4.2%) and the People's Party, led by Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn, which would collect 4.1%, according to the poll.
Tymoshenko has been seeking to set up a majority in Parliament as soon as in September to approve a number of important economic and political reforms.
Tymoshenko will seek to push Parliament to pass her 2006 budget and also to approve a bill that would increase the barrier to 5% from 3%, barring weak parties from the next Parliament.
Increasing the barrier would put pressure on the Communists, the Socialists and Lytvyn's group as their ratings are hovering at between 5% and 4%.
This pressure would probably fuel opposition to the bill and create challenges for Tymoshenko in herdrive to set up the majority and could also effect debate over the budget, analysts said.
Some 2,011 respondents throughout Ukraine were surveyed by the Razumkov Center between Aug. 5 and Aug. 12 for the opinion poll, whose margin of error is 2.3%.
Source: Ukrainian Journal

Our Ukraine would score 20% of the vote, while Tymoshenko's Batkivshchyna would collect 10.5%, according to the poll, released by the Razumkov Center, an independent think tank.
Since many parties would fail to overcome the 3% barrier, their scorings will be spread among those groups that eventually get seated in Parliament.
This means Yushchenko's and Tymoshenko's parties, although collecting an overall of 30.5% of the votes, would jointly get 52.1% of seats in Ukraine’s 450-seat Parliament.
"Today's scoring still guarantees the pro-government groups to create the majority in the new Parliament," Yuriy Yakimenko, an analyst with Razumkov Center, said. "However, their strength is decreasing and that opens ways for new political combinations."
Our Ukraine enjoyed 31.6% popularity in May, while Tymoshenko's party had 15.5%, which shows that popular support for the two parties has been dwindling, apparently due to skyrocketing prices of gasoline and sugar, and some other factors, analysts said.
The next general election is due in March 2006 and the winner would be able to claim the post of the prime minister according to changes to the constitution that come into force no Jan. 1, 2006.
The Party of Regions, an opposition group led by former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, is the second most popular party and would score 14.2% of the vote, according to the poll. The party had 16.4% support in May.
Other parties that may successfully clear the 3% barrier include the Communist Party (5.5%), the Socialist Party (4.2%) and the People's Party, led by Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn, which would collect 4.1%, according to the poll.
Tymoshenko has been seeking to set up a majority in Parliament as soon as in September to approve a number of important economic and political reforms.
Tymoshenko will seek to push Parliament to pass her 2006 budget and also to approve a bill that would increase the barrier to 5% from 3%, barring weak parties from the next Parliament.
Increasing the barrier would put pressure on the Communists, the Socialists and Lytvyn's group as their ratings are hovering at between 5% and 4%.
This pressure would probably fuel opposition to the bill and create challenges for Tymoshenko in herdrive to set up the majority and could also effect debate over the budget, analysts said.
Some 2,011 respondents throughout Ukraine were surveyed by the Razumkov Center between Aug. 5 and Aug. 12 for the opinion poll, whose margin of error is 2.3%.
Source: Ukrainian Journal
Yushchenko and the poison theory | |||||
It was only slowly that his face began to change, a mask of lesions and blisters disfiguring the 50-year-old's previously youthful looks. The Austrian doctors who treated him initially said they could not confirm the cause of the illness. Food poisoning was the first diagnosis made by Ukrainian doctors on 6 September. Mr Yushchenko's political opponents suggested he had eaten bad sushi, washed down with too much cognac. One rival presidential candidate said he always stuck to more patriotic food, such as pork fat and vodka. And a top aide to President Leonid Kuchma suggested that other members of Mr Yushchenko's team should test his food. He too recommended 100 grams of vodka, if problems continued. Security services But it also transpired that shortly before becoming ill, Mr Yushchenko had had dinner with the chairman of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), Ihor Smeshko, and his deputy, Volodymyr Satsiuk.
Mr Smeshko made no secret of the dinner when he spoke to journalists on 28 September, after reporting to a parliamentary commission of inquiry. He later said it was a "matter of honour" for the SBU to investigate the poisoning allegations. For Mr Yushchenko's supporters, the fact that their candidate fell ill after dining with the security chiefs appeared to confirm the poisoning theory. Furthermore, after his first consultation with Ukrainian doctors on 6 September, Mr Yushchenko's health failed to improve. On 10 September, he was sent to Vienna to consult Austrian doctors at the Rudolfinerhaus clinic. Eleven doctors diagnosed his illness as "acute pancreatitis accompanied by interstitial edematous changes" His liver, pancreas and intestines were swollen and his digestive tract covered in ulcers. Mr Yushchenko went back on the campaign trail after a week, against the doctors' advice. He spoke to the Ukrainian parliament where he accused the authorities of organising an attempt on his life, saying he had fallen victim to "Ukraine's political cuisine which kills". Campaign officials working for Mr Yushchenko's main rival, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, denied the allegations. Acne After two weeks, Mr Yushchenko returned to Vienna with back pain, but again he did not stay long. He hit the campaign trail with his face half paralysed, reportedly with a catheter inserted in his back so that painkillers could be injected into his spine.
Professor John Henry, a toxicologist at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London, was one of the first to say Mr Yushchenko had been poisoned with dioxins. He said the marks on Mr Yushchenko were chloracne, an acute form of acne which can be caused by dioxins. Professor Henry said the dioxins, which are a by-product of many industrial processes and can increase the risk of cancer and cause infertility, could have been hidden in food or drink. However, others are not so sure. Nick Edwards, a clinical scientist at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital in London, said: "Chloracne is a side effect of dioxin exposure but I have not heard of dioxins being used as a malicious chemical agent in this way." Dr Stephen Mandy, professor of dermatology at the University of Miami in the US, suggested the marks may be rosacea, an inflammatory skin condition which can leave the face swollen and lumpy. Dr Mandy told the Associated Press news agency: "Rosacea can explode under heavy stress and this looks like he has a typically fulminant case." A British poisons expert, who did not want to be named because of the controversy surrounding the election, also played down the dioxins poisoning theory. 'Stress' "You would need huge amounts of dioxins to poison someone, I just don't believe it. "The marks on his face could have been caused by stress, that is much more likely." The medical team at the Rudolfinerhaus Hospital in Vienna remained cautious, declining to speculate about the cause of the illness until they had conferred with experts overseas. Details of the case were sent to experts in the US, who examined blood and other samples.More than three months after he first arrived in Vienna, the clinic concluded that Mr Yushchenko had indeed been poisoned with dioxins. U.S. senators detained at Ural airport say Russia has apologized KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — A U.S. senator detained for three hours in a Russian airport while officials refused to let the U.S. military flight take off said Monday that he had received no explanation for the delay but welcomed the Russian government's apparent apology. Sen. Richard Lugar, an Indiana Republican and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Sen. Barack Obama, an Illinois Democrat, were delayed at an airport in Russia's Ural Mountain city of Perm on Sunday. They arrived three hours late Sunday in the Ukrainian capital. "We are not certain as to why or the particular activity that caused that delay," Lugar said. "We are pleased that our flight was able to continue to Kiev, albeit three hours later." He said U.S. Embassy officials informed the senators that "an official at the Foreign Ministry has issued an apology this morning." No one from the Russian Foreign Ministry could be reached immediately. The U.S Embassy could not immediately confirm the information. Russia's Federal Security Service on Monday, however, defended the plane's delay, saying it was because the Perm airport isn't part of an Open Skies Agreement, which allows certain planes to bypass inspections, Russia's RIA Novosti and ITAR-Tass news agencies reported. The FSB, the agency that succeeded the Soviet-era KGB, said it could only comment on the report within a week's time. U.S. Embassy officials, however, said the flight was a U.S. military flight, and therefore should have had diplomatic status. Lugar's spokesman, Andy Fisher, said that Russian officials had initially refused to allow the plane to take off, and insisted on boarding it. "They did not. The border patrol finally got orders to let us go," Fisher said. Maksim Zhalayev, deputy head of the border control service at Perm's Bolshoye Savino airport, accused the senators of refusing to follow border guards' orders, telling Russia's Ekho Moskvy radio that was the reason behind the delay. The senators and their aides spent three days in Russia visiting sites where warheads are stored before destruction under the U.S.-funded Comprehensive Threat Reduction program. On Monday, Lugar and Obama met with Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn and also planned talks with other senior Ukrainian officials. Russia Holds Obama For Suspicion Of Being a British Spy Back In 2005! Investigator In Chicago Fingers Obama For Being A British Spy As Far Back As 2004!When I heard this the other night it hit me like a ton of bricks! I remember the plane with the US Senator being held at the airport in Russia! I remember thanking it was crazy that they believed the Senator on the Plane was a Spy for the British! So, for the last 24 hours I have been looking for news articles on this! This is what I have been able thus far! I also want to ask you this… Why would Russia way back in 2005 thank that this Senator was a spy for the British? Could it happen to be that they new he had a British pass port at some point in his life. Hummmmmmm Guys it just got stranger! It was kind of odd how Chicago investigator Sherman Skolnick *just happened* to pass away just before Barack Obama announced his run for President. Skolnick was founder and chairman of the Citizens Committee to Clean Up the Courts, which nailed two Illinois Supreme Court justices, Roy J. Solfisburg Jr. and Ray Klingbiel, who had accepted bribes of stock from a defendant in a case on which they ruled. The scandal catapulted John Paul Stevens, special counsel to the resulting investigating commission to a seat as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Skolnick had indeed uncovered so many links between plots and participants in conspiracies that he may have come to see some where none existed…but he also uncovered others that noone else had noticed, and Obama was right in his back yard. CLOAK’S EXCLUSIVE AUGUST 2005 STORY EXPOSING OBAMA’s KENYAN BIRTHPLACE FORCES OBAMA TO SANITIZE HIS PASSPORT FILE Insiders Report It Was Accomplished With The Assistance of the Clinton Mob CLOAK EXCLUSIVE! Filed 8/28/05 BRITISH SPY FINGERED: ACCUSATIONS CONFIRMED! BY SHERMAN SKOLNICK CLOAK Co-host Sherman Skolnick prior to the 2004 Election fingered Barack Obama running in Illinois for the U.S. Senate as a British Intel agent born in Kenya. Skolnick, as a co-spy watcher unmasked Obama on his regular CLOAK program, Shop Talk From Plot H.Q. Today Russian President V. Putin ordered U.S. Senator Barack Obama, who is also tight with MOSSAD, to be held in custody under suspicion of being a British operative illegally spying in Russia at off-limits secret facilities. Spying with Obama, who was locked up, was U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, pro-Bush, was detained by Putin but unlike Obama, quickly released. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar and Committee member Barack Obama at a base near Perm, Russia. This is where mobile launch missiles are being destroyed by the Nunn-Lugar program. Lugar delegation detained for three hours in Perm after inspecting nuke weapons facility US Senator Richard Lugar, who was briefly detained with a US delegation in Perm, Siberia, after inspecting the site, which is being dismantled with US funding. Nils Båhmer/Bellona A US delegation headed by Republican Senator Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in the Siberian city of Perm, Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine in a diplomatically chaotic incident Sunday. Charles Digges, 29/08-2005 US officials were nonetheless anxious to downplay the incident in an apparent effort to avoid diplomatic fallout with the increasingly hard-line regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has publicly expressed dismay over a number of US-Russian disarmament programmes. LUGAR, OBAMA DETAINED IN RUSSIA DELEGATION RELEASED AFTER STANDOFF RESOLVED A U.S. delegation headed by Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine. Russian border guards at the airport in the Siberian city of Perm demanded to search the U.S. government aircraft carrying the delegation, which also included Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who was making his first foreign trip since becoming a senator. Obama is also a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. American officials, citing a U.S.-Russian agreement that does not allow such inspections, refused to allow the search, leading to a three-hour standoff at the airport, … |