Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Flight MH370 crashed into ocean: without a splash --- YET


Of course this company's intelligence included the holes in the defense systems around the Globe. Freescale, bottom line, owns the patent to the new military defense technology they'd just finished working on, patent processing.    If the other patent holders were on the plane or not, Freescale still has priority holding on the patent.  If anyone wanted the other patent owners dead, they would have sent them to Singapore for the weekend, and their deaths would have cruised in a scroll bar under the big media radar on the insignificant celebrity bad behavior of the week, with hardly a whisper about it. 

There's no coincidence that the Freescale outfit, a major high tech company who's twenty Top Level men were part of the newly developed radar defense tech were on board.  The actual patent holders' names were not on the manifest, which means they could have been on the plane or not. 

Whatever happened, happened with bad intentions.   They wanted to use that technology before it got out to the military, if they ever intended it to GET to the military at all.   They used their fresh technology and had certain "bad actors" believing who knows what.  It could be a simple plot where only the two shady characters knew about a nefarious outcome --- or the outcome wasn't as nefarious as we think...YET...  We already know those little goons are liars -- please spare us the embarrassment excuse.  They were keeping and ARE keeping information tight and continue to do so for their own use...No matter how heart wrenching a mother's cries for information about her son's fate shatter our hearts, we know they don't have one.  Soul less parasites of civilization should be airlifted and dropped into N. Korea during one of Sum Jung Il's temper tantrums.

People know things, and the technology is beyond a layperson's understanding.  So are the capabilities of what can be done with the major technological advances taking place as we look to the right when we should look to the left.   A major event is in the works.  It's going to hurt.  And the aider and abettor in chief is picking basketball brackets, it's so hideously despicable we're stunned silent.  Somebody scream.  This is not a dream, it's our worst nightmare happening for real, as we watch it unfold and the lies, layer by layer cover and reveal.   EVERYthing this administration has done must be repealed.  This Country, and along with it - this whole world is in for more than just major butthurt.  Annihilation Station Express.

Now brace yourselves, either we're going to get it like never before, or a real HERO will step forward after realizing there's no need to even the Score.