Iignorance is temporary bliss, only leading to a harsh
slap of regretful reality based in misery. No do overs.
Awareness is
key. Yeah the media has dropped the ball and has let the
down, and sacrificed their integrity in low ball yellow backed
journalism for financial incentives and egomaniacs who fill
bubble heads with Al Gore's hot air. They used to play a
critical part
as government watchdogs. Of course they didn't resign from
position, they left us in the lurch, yet at the same time with
the multiple sources in today's world, there's no excuse for
ignorance. This is
our country, our lives, our future, our quality of life, and the
quality of our children's lives. How proud we can be to leave
them a
hollowed out shell of what used to be the greatest country in
the world. We DO have say, and we DO have the ability to
make a
difference. it's that thinking Darrien that makes up the
scariest bunch of useful idiots rolling over and submitting to
a dictatorship in the
making. It's clearer than clear. This fraud is "not your daddy's
Democrat, he's not for America at all". And the real
Democrats know it,
some speak out, some shrink in fear... It's always best to
get both sides, then the straight up facts and think for
yourself, if that's
possible anymore. Most have forgotten how, they let the
Matt Lauer losers, and Corporate interest goons do it for
them. The system will
always have issues, there is no perfect system as long as the
human factor is involved. The one that has proven to work'
the best is this
one. Our forefathers warned about the potential dangers and
did their best to defend against them, and it was intact until
Jan. 20, 2009
when this crack pot, spawned from the abyss of America
haters, waged war against it and the American people. It's
hard for a system
to work when the guy who duped the supposed majority to
let him slither in the back door posing as- actually he didn't
even pose as pro-America, he even gave us clues to NOT let
him in with his
disrespect for our flag.. Yet still you Libtards ushered him in
to destroy
everything this country was built on as he brazenly, with
audacity, by-passes congress, says he's going to until Pelousy
gets the gavel '
back, and pushes legislation through executive orders in the
middle of the night, so we wake up as law abiding citizens,
breaking the law under the Tyranny of this psychopath who
should have been cuffed and detained and put on trial for
years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP BEFORE YOU ALL
ARE COMPLICIT in dismantling and destroying The United
States of
America. Not one of you deserve the service of our military.
They died for the Freedoms you help piss on, there's a
world of Hell coming
to those who follow this POS blindly bringing those who care
to get a clue down with you. Nothing personal, really,
Liberalism is a mental
illness. This administration, should it remain, will cure it no