Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bottom Line

On Casey Anthony, the prosecution sucked, period.  The juror profiles alone told me that they'd never convict her.  STUPID, and the prosecution's job.  The charges, therefore punishment, were too harsh, and the very mention of the Death Penalty RUINED THIS CASE.   The jurors heard 'Death Penalty' and went deep into "without any reasonable doubt" mode.   This case could NEVER have brought on the death penalty, period.  There had to have been a clear MOTIVE and solid EVIDENCE OF HOMICIDE at the very least, the bare minimum. There was nothing that was ever available to meet the death penalty's requirements EVER.

The media really screwed this one up, so when you get upset over the verdict, get mad at the lame prosecution team and the freako medialytes..  Journalism today has become a JOKE.. The National Enquirer is gathering more prestige than any medium, and THAT's EFFING scary!   The jury did exactly what the judge so clearly stated and guided them to do in their decision making. They were sickened by the unanimous verdict they felt they had no choice but to make given the lack of physical evidence, the doubt planted by the Creepy Couple, George and Cindy Addams, I mean Anthony.. YIKES..

Casey won't be free.  She'll be attacked in public, verbally, if not physically...She is not free, and if she is, her personality disorder will serve her up some harsh lessons yet to torture her.  Justice is in her own destiny.  Caylee wouldn't want her memory to be that of a girl with a monster murderer mom, that's too painful for an angel to have to accept.  Her memory will be forever found in new Caylee Laws that keep other sweet babies safe from less than fit parents.  That's what a beautiful angel would have wanted.   She loved her mommy, despite her mental instability and personality disorder.  Caylee is loved by the world.  Let that be enough justice for all....
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