Sunday, April 13, 2014
The Mentally Ill Run This Country and pretty much The World
....Psychopaths - Malignant Narcissists of every degree of maladaptive mental capacities for empathizing, being uncomfortable with living lies, as they tell them looking into adoring - ( bleh ) eyes.. and unburdened by a conscience are running our lives. This Country, The World..
There's a reckless disregard for our rights, The Constitution, The law, and our well-being, period.. If we're young, growing, middle aged, older, aging, male, female, black, white, mulatto, yellow, albino, it doesn't matter, rich, poor, middle of the road, sometimes one, sometimes the other, it doesn't matter, they do not care... And if we're in the military, law enforcement or any position where we put our lives on the line for the well being of others, their freedom, their Country, forget it, you're on the list to be done away with and quick. You're a burden, another egg to be broken for their eggs benedict, or omelette..
Healthcare? HAH. What a ruse. We know the Insurance Companies didn't balk because there's a massive bail out written into the law alleviating them of any losses, and of any pay outs - real incentives to drop you, in the middle of life saving treatments or in the middle of paying your last premium, no drop in the bucket, but yet a comfort should you come close to kicking one. There was never a plan for your coverage, and like everyone with pre-existing conditions in the past, there were providers to be found at a higher premium of course, but nothing like the premiums those without pre-existing conditions are paying for basic crap care.. Obama Snare. It's a way to get your information, get you in a coded physical roster, have an illusion of being under a doctor's care, but it'll break you for a band aid. It won't cover your needs, and you'll get post pardum care as a man without children... Yay... Someone will, but it won't be anyone who needs it, wants it, or even exists, just a name once associated with an identity and a social security number, or a control number, who's voting democrat, dead or alive. Every site you come across that might look similar to the behemoth's busted site, same font, same type of set up, steer clear, it's another Gov't acquired site dying to have your information. The clean green company, Maleleuca, for example, has been lifted by this Gov't drag. The Weather Channel, duh.. Whether or not they'll have it down to a micro cast, or a maybe if our science project works cast comes out as they predict with the Ouji Board or not is something no one even scoffs at.. It's climate change. YEAH.. They're changing it with the labratory experiment that is our atmosphere, OUR REAL CLIMATE... nothing real about it anymore. Bees come out and live for a day or two.... Then poof, they can't live in this atmospheric shift, the charged air particles causing illnesses so fast, that the birds and the bees don't make it very long. Oh well, sorry Orkin, the only pest in need of control requires your skills to be much more stealth. No termites anymore... They don't even look. Be happy if you see a cockroach. Let him in, feed him, and see if he lives to see next week. Those nasty things survived the unsurvivable.... If they're not making it now, well, like they said about the Nevada ranchers, best have funeral plans...
Yup, best to have em, and best you scum of the earth psychopathic wastes of flesh have em too.. Cuz guess what? When we know it's gonna be over either way, there's no way you're hanging out to stay around and play. You saw some fearless patriots come to action ... Cease and desist your sick and twisted destruction, or be sure to reap the rewards before you planned your excursion. We'll be on the right side of Karma, which at this point, will make a much bigger impact on the Universe than History. Only the cock roaches will know. Better start being friendly to them now, or that fire blasted air will cover you, head to toe when it starts to blow.
This Truth is as universal as the ionosphere and silver lined clouds... The Seven Sins are Yours, the rest you stole, coveted, hoarded, with envy, pride, and anger after a life of deceit and sloth, to you it will betroth.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Another disgusting picture from Connecticut . . .men waiting in line to register guns with the government. #NotInAla
@chipwoods@ag_texas Stepping out of line is HIGHLY recommended! -
@chipwoods Are you kidding me... ARE YOU KIDDING ME! -
Holy Crap. Looks like Weimar Germany
@chipwoods@MaxCUA CT men waiting in line to register guns with the
@chipwoods@KimBrame Bet they have a nice Vid cam at the entrance, now they can put a face to every gun with an address. Something wrong. -
In my state, that would be the line to get in the gun show, not to register guns with the govt!
@chipwoods -
@chipwoods@batesfamily2 Yea, I got two words for that, but twitter would remove my post and censor me. -
@Campbell_NancyL@chipwoods@ag_texas Re: gun betcha! Step out and tell them where to go... -
@chipwoods Wouldnt it b a heckuva lot more sensible 2 pack ur belongings + move? This gus thinks so. Do it in less time 2.@DrMartyFox -
@chipwoods@DrMartyFox May as well be in line to get loaded in boxcars. You shouldn't have to register your rights. -
@chipwoods@DrMartyFox you mean a line of people having there rights taken away ? -
@chipwoods@DrMartyFox absolutely ludicrous # govt overstepping their boundaries again! -
@chipwoods@TrueBlue444 Next we'll see these men standing in line at courthouse fighting after their guns are confiscated. -
@chipwoods@ScrewedbyState Get out of that line! Never register! registration leads to confiscation
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Flight MH370 crashed into ocean: without a splash --- YET
Of course this company's intelligence included the holes in the defense systems around the Globe. Freescale, bottom line, owns the patent to the new military defense technology they'd just finished working on, patent processing. If the other patent holders were on the plane or not, Freescale still has priority holding on the patent. If anyone wanted the other patent owners dead, they would have sent them to Singapore for the weekend, and their deaths would have cruised in a scroll bar under the big media radar on the insignificant celebrity bad behavior of the week, with hardly a whisper about it.
There's no coincidence that the Freescale outfit, a major high tech company who's twenty Top Level men were part of the newly developed radar defense tech were on board. The actual patent holders' names were not on the manifest, which means they could have been on the plane or not.
Whatever happened, happened with bad intentions. They wanted to use that technology before it got out to the military, if they ever intended it to GET to the military at all. They used their fresh technology and had certain "bad actors" believing who knows what. It could be a simple plot where only the two shady characters knew about a nefarious outcome --- or the outcome wasn't as nefarious as we think...YET... We already know those little goons are liars -- please spare us the embarrassment excuse. They were keeping and ARE keeping information tight and continue to do so for their own use...No matter how heart wrenching a mother's cries for information about her son's fate shatter our hearts, we know they don't have one. Soul less parasites of civilization should be airlifted and dropped into N. Korea during one of Sum Jung Il's temper tantrums.
People know things, and the technology is beyond a layperson's understanding. So are the capabilities of what can be done with the major technological advances taking place as we look to the right when we should look to the left. A major event is in the works. It's going to hurt. And the aider and abettor in chief is picking basketball brackets, it's so hideously despicable we're stunned silent. Somebody scream. This is not a dream, it's our worst nightmare happening for real, as we watch it unfold and the lies, layer by layer cover and reveal. EVERYthing this administration has done must be repealed. This Country, and along with it - this whole world is in for more than just major butthurt. Annihilation Station Express.
Now brace yourselves, either we're going to get it like never before, or a real HERO will step forward after realizing there's no need to even the Score.
Of course this company's intelligence included the holes in the defense systems around the Globe. Freescale, bottom line, owns the patent to the new military defense technology they'd just finished working on, patent processing. If the other patent holders were on the plane or not, Freescale still has priority holding on the patent. If anyone wanted the other patent owners dead, they would have sent them to Singapore for the weekend, and their deaths would have cruised in a scroll bar under the big media radar on the insignificant celebrity bad behavior of the week, with hardly a whisper about it.
There's no coincidence that the Freescale outfit, a major high tech company who's twenty Top Level men were part of the newly developed radar defense tech were on board. The actual patent holders' names were not on the manifest, which means they could have been on the plane or not.
Whatever happened, happened with bad intentions. They wanted to use that technology before it got out to the military, if they ever intended it to GET to the military at all. They used their fresh technology and had certain "bad actors" believing who knows what. It could be a simple plot where only the two shady characters knew about a nefarious outcome --- or the outcome wasn't as nefarious as we think...YET... We already know those little goons are liars -- please spare us the embarrassment excuse. They were keeping and ARE keeping information tight and continue to do so for their own use...No matter how heart wrenching a mother's cries for information about her son's fate shatter our hearts, we know they don't have one. Soul less parasites of civilization should be airlifted and dropped into N. Korea during one of Sum Jung Il's temper tantrums.
People know things, and the technology is beyond a layperson's understanding. So are the capabilities of what can be done with the major technological advances taking place as we look to the right when we should look to the left. A major event is in the works. It's going to hurt. And the aider and abettor in chief is picking basketball brackets, it's so hideously despicable we're stunned silent. Somebody scream. This is not a dream, it's our worst nightmare happening for real, as we watch it unfold and the lies, layer by layer cover and reveal. EVERYthing this administration has done must be repealed. This Country, and along with it - this whole world is in for more than just major butthurt. Annihilation Station Express.
Now brace yourselves, either we're going to get it like never before, or a real HERO will step forward after realizing there's no need to even the Score.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan,
Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan, Hauppauge, NY, January 18th, 2014
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