Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy comes...

I stole this from a person who posted on Greta Wire's open thread about the storm. I'll check again, although most people are anonymous on that blog, see if there's a person to which I can reference it. I'm not big on Conspiracy Theories, and I know there are big changes in our weather system that have been going on for the last two years, but really the last year, in full force. Does any school or college teach Geology anymore? I took the first two classes as electives for my degree that has nothing to do with Geology. I learned more about the world from those classes than any others.

There are planetary shifts, climate change events, and polarity shifts, ( the magnetic field that keeps the Earth suspended and on an axis spinning evenly like clockwork day after day, century after century, and eon, well, a few eons makes an epoch, which I don't have stored as an exact number in my mind, but one thing's for sure, these storms, their enormity, and new trend of creating maximum damage to Life and Land, is related to a planetary shift that took place about 3 years ago, one that has us lined up and closer to the moon than we've been in eons. We know the Earth shifts, there are quakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and it devastates communities, cities, even countries. The tornadoes have been huge, they've been wall tornadoes that leave people with no remedy or safe haven from having their lives sucked out of them.

The timing of this one is beyond belief... In fact it's suspended. I've never believed in God more than I do now. The eye right on Washington. Aimed and firing away. The Secret Service couldn't hold a candle to Mother Nature's say. She's got the final word, and her message is clear. His End must be near. Please pray that everyone will be safe. I posted this a day ago but had to update a link and couldn't find my post, so re-posting it. I listed some interesting but strange coincidences about Hurricane Sandy several days ago on my blog, I hope everyone will be prepared.... The name means "Defender of Mankind" If there are enough coincidences, could people believe it's a sign and not a coincidence? Storms gather from directions Largest Storm in Atlantic History It's During the Election Gathering and moving toward U.S. Capital If that's not enough for you,... Arrives On full moon Arrives on Eve of Halloween To be most expensive storm in history Midnight, the eye is looking upon the U.S. capital, in approximate location over Washington D.C., in a perfect position just below New York to force water into flood NY Washington D.C., surrounding cities. NY Blackout, Waves cascade into streets, flood tunnels, subway, Epic Disaster as a Blizzard will collide with the Hurricane. Ice + Saltwater is not a good combination in flooded subways, sub-trains stations, tunnels, sewers, underground steam power generators. To be Largest and most costly storm in history. People will need heat, food, water, & help.

People will be blind and not see the sign because according to history: Sandy/Sandra/Cassandra is known in Greek mythology, as the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. She was loved by Apollo and given the gift of prophecy but when she did not fall in love with him, he placed a curse on her so that no one would believe her predictions. (They will not believe the signs) Reality is what we cannot see. You can feel the wind, but you cannot see it. What is the sign? A message to us that we need to make a change. Obama has a sinister purpose. If you don't see it. See the signs.

God Intervenes as Ominous EYE of Sandy, defined as "Defender of Mankind" (google it) is moving upon U.S. Capital, has potential to distract voters & significantly stall rest of Obama's campaign for Romney to gain Momentum. Don't expect a winner of the election to be announced the day of election. I would bet that there will be stalling/claims filed and law suits after this election. How do you feel about the U.N. military coming in to "monitor" the elections? And now, the UN Wants Complete Control Over The Internet And That Would Mean Unprecedented Censorship, Taxes And Surveillance.

Sad thing is we may not be able to stop it. Read more here: Is that not sign enough of a New World Order Obama plans to be involved with? Was this what he meant when he promised Putin he would have more flexibility after the election? I wish some of you would take the time to read my blog, before it's too late. We need to vote for Romney and get Obama out. My blog: Interpretation of Obama's Dream