Saturday, July 21, 2012

Be Comforted but not comfortable.

Obama has screwed over every person who has gotten him to where he is today.  NO HE DIDN'T GET THERE ALONE.  As is his mantra now, YOU didn't make that yourself, is what he says to those who started and grew businesses on their own.    He is being reminded right now by those he's going to for help again who are telling him , sorry, you douchebag, we paid you mega bucks, and you dissed us.  You didn't get into office yourself, you thankless lout, so remember that as you try to squeeze us for a dime... Obama was left to pout.  so off he goes to the stump to vent..

The Amateur is a fantastic book into the real Obama who is really in charge and makes the decisions, and how screwed up it is.. Vote out Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama in 2012.  They wear the executive empty suit and have no idea what gratitude is, have a sense of entitlement and relate only to their own very select small group.  They don't connect or relate to people, period, and neither does Obama.   He has a much lower approval rating than any poll will ever say.  No one on the inside would dare say how they feel.   Not one, other than Jarrett has loyalty to these trailer trash tarts, and even that's questionable. Some have noticed her loyalty to her ex boss Bill Daley, and find her to be double dipping in her loyalty bag of tricks..   get rid of these ass licks.