Thursday, March 8, 2012

There's No Mystery in the Clandestine Openness .. What we got is what we get, Unless People WAKE UP..

We can be sure of one thing. The Criminal in Chief, fraud, Usurper, American hating, Socialist, Alinsky Lover isn't making any solid move until "after the election". This whole first term was to solidify a second term when he'd be unrestrained by the phony Campaigner in Chief's dynamic, charismatic, friendly attitude, all confident and loving the adoration and attention.

The part of the job he loved will be over, the whole sell. The bait em, show boating, grandiose, self aggrandizing "celebrity" and legend in his own mind. When it's back to office for the last dreaded deeds, his only joy comes from destroying us, our country, and our way of life..The Western way of life based on American, Judeo Christian culture of Freedom, Bravery, Honor, and a United people who love their country and live like no other society has been able to, open to those who wanted the opportunity to have the freedoms, God given in our philosophy, and rights they'd never had in their homeland.

This position in the old world brought lots of hate and resentment to the new brimming with prosperity from hard work, and the paving of the way for other countries to prosper by way of trade.

Well now it's culminated to the extreme place we never thought was possible. Communism, Socialism, Marxist, Sralinist Fascism, were all the furthest from becoming close to a possibility in this U.S. of A. Winston Churchill called it the slumber of democracy. Complacency, disbelief in the obvious signs and warnings of danger, denial, and the normalcy bias. If it's never been seen before other than on t.v., and in the movies, it's not a possible reality to certain naive, ignorant Americans who think history is just a story and are too wrapped up in the me, me, me, give me more, what's in it for me, how can I be famous and rich culture of idoltry and wanna be celebrity. Thee're all fading away into regular Joe's so narcissistic you wanna puke, but are addicted to watching..

The fraud in the W.H. is allowing Iran to continue proliferating it's nuclear program.. Death to Israel then inevitably the U.S.A. is imminent. Netanyahu gave a chilling speech of how dangerous Iran's program is and what they intend to do. Obama speaks out of both sides of his mouth to everyone, but one thing he has no problem with is saying, "not until after the election". He also handed one of our drones to those barbarians, and is a reptilian slimy snake. No one trusts him, he's barely told the truth if at all. Israel can't allow Iran to stay the course for more than several months, six, maximum, so they're going to have to do what they have to do. Blow those nukes out of the ground. Take Tehran down. If not, we'll be second in line to a nuclear holocaust. Anyone with kids who supports this freak show fraud, should be shot like the barbarians you're forcing your kids to be forced to live as prisoners to, or executed by. Wake up America. This President has a world of crazy shit coming our way, through the insatiable, unacceptable unprecedented hideous debt he's spent us into, and the chipping away at the constitution. We'll be so screwed. Like the idiots of usefulness to Hitler and Stalin, you'll be leading us down your road, your choice, and if there's justice in this world it will be you supporters who GET IT first. The stupidity of ignorant idiots in this country is beyond despicable. Maybe Obama's right. You mentally retarded scum weigh us all down. Keep on taking money, the lottery, more entitlements, and find yourselves in the streets like marionettes, following the pied piper to your demise. Those of the wise will stick together and fight til the death. His.. Sorry in advance, but you would NOT fucking listen. Those 6 million Jews didn't either. The ones who did, got screwed by the majority who didn't. That isn't us. We're the Brave and staying The Free, while you get dealt with.. Eliminated from the drag on society.