Image via WikipediaThe next clown in Ring 3 ~ Governor Goofball Buddy..... need not say more...
The more the merrier..This
Republican Candidate will win by
Name Recognition, so Happy Birthday Romney... BUT
Rick Perry's jumping in, so aside from the Name Recognition, there's a solid record, solid stats to back him up. Numbers, we love numbers.. We love numbers that reflect one state governed by a man that has created half, 50% of the entire country's
public sector jobs.... He managed to remain conservative in a country full of Big Spenders, he shows fiscal control... A conservative without being a radical right wing nut and no threat of swinging left. Money doesn't hurt this man either, he's got it, and he's got a talent for, or other people have a desire to give it to him... He's SOLID baby, and won more elections for TX governor than anyone else. I could keep going, but he's starting to get on my nerves... He probably hasn't had a homosexual encounter or cheated on his wife either, BASTARD. He's even a great father.... rare...
I'm sure
Michele Bachmann's headaches would be fewer and farther between as Vice President. She's a smart lady and those two would respect not only We the
People of the United States, but the
Constitution, the legislative process, rules, procedures, and they'd stick to their promises. They would probably respect the heck out of each other making them a winning pair to represent Americans and this Country with the best of the rest in any combination, I see this as a Winning Ticket... God Bless America, she deserves a duo like this one.
*** August 25, 2011 ~~ It's no accident that the media have been enthralled by Perry. The honeymoon will soon be over, however his popularity soared to the top at 29%, Romney down to 17%, God Help us from Crazy Uncles, Ron Paul is 3rd at too much if any at all% , Bachmann, Cain, Huntsman... Cain rocks, but he's not ready to campaign or debate. I thought he shifted in debates, as far as his bold brazen natural and genuine words ... He turns into a nervous self conscious geek in the debate arena, and he's none of those things. Sad, but just a facr.. Huntsman is just too solid, can only rip at him dissing Obama by being his ambassador to China, resigning, then going up against his old "boss" in the Presidential campaign.. HAHA. Hey, you want loyalty, ya gotta be loyal, to SOMEONE..... ? No loyalty in the Owebomb's vocabulary.. SUCKAH.. Twill come back and bite your ass off and slap you upside your pin head between those two massive flaps of Dumbo skin..ready for take off at any moment.. Make it THIS moment, Please. We'll lead the way out, off our soil, off our continent, take the money and run.... You might run into a detective down in Texas, he won't know all the facts is" Go take the money and run..whoo hoo hoo.. Steve Miller called, that was his advice. Someday, Asshole, someone's going to give you some life or death advice, but that's when we'll appreciate your inability to take anyone else's guidance to heart, instead you'll take something to it, and it won't be pretty... You're going to stonewall your way in...should something go wrong, the riots you're gonna stage in the streets should make for great psyeudo-broadway..The West Side maybe?
Who flipping cares? You're worthless... Sucking this country dry... of everything... Good job, it's working, but so are we, and group work, (Ya know, MOB MENTALITY, ha) is gonna come back and have it's way with you.. Karma it's called, and you know nothing about it..
This would be the longest blog ever if I didn't get sick from thinking about your existence on the planet....Bleh.. Stage all your obvious events of distraction resulting in loving gestures, and stay in Oblivion forever....
Ya didn't kill Bin Laden... Nada single thing can be atributed to you, just the misery and negativity..Liars are so hideous. Almost as hideous as you.....
Yeah, but Palin looks lke she's postering... If for a winning team against \Obama next year