Thursday, July 21, 2011

Republican Candidate Corral/ Three Ring Circus

Perry Event 2/1/2010Image via WikipediaThe next clown in Ring 3 ~ Governor Goofball Buddy..... need not say more...

The more the merrier..This Republican Candidate will win by Name Recognition, so Happy Birthday Romney... BUT
Rick Perry's jumping in, so aside from the Name Recognition, there's a solid record, solid stats to back him up. Numbers, we love numbers.. We love numbers that reflect one state governed by a man that has created half, 50% of the entire country's public sector jobs....   He managed to remain conservative in a country full of Big Spenders, he shows fiscal control... A conservative without being a radical right wing nut and no threat of swinging left.  Money doesn't hurt this man either, he's got it, and he's got a talent for, or other people have a desire to give it to him... He's SOLID baby, and won more elections for TX governor than anyone else.  I could keep going, but he's starting to get on my nerves... He probably hasn't had a homosexual encounter or cheated on his wife either, BASTARD.  He's even a great father.... rare...

I'm sure Michele Bachmann's headaches would be fewer and farther between as Vice President.  She's a smart lady and those two would respect not only We the People of the United States, but the Constitution, the legislative process, rules, procedures, and they'd stick to their promises.  They would probably respect the heck out of each other making them a winning pair to represent Americans and this Country with the best of the rest in any combination, I see this as a Winning Ticket... God Bless America, she deserves a duo like this one.
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